Over the mountains…

May 12th, the first official day of the camino. 24 plus kilometers over the Pyrenees Mountains and into Spain to Roncesvalles. The cool thing we discovered is that the photos he takes with his iPhone go directly into our photo library on my desktop. We thought he’d need to email them all to me!

A bit of a foggy day. Cool, cloud cover is good for walking.

He bought poles before starting this day and was very glad to have them. The way down the mountains was very rocky and slippery in places.

The top of the route before heading down.
He said he was exhausted by this day walking almost 8 hours.
Looking forward to dinner!

One response to “Over the mountains…”

  1. Cathy & Jim Metts Avatar
    Cathy & Jim Metts

    Wonderful start! We’re praying for you, Glenn!


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